We list a few examples of learning that has been made possible with LifeLearn. Many of our customers are not public yet, so details are limited.
University teaching and CPD outreach. In Finland LifeLearn has enabled video based peer reflection in a trusted and secure environment to enhance kindergarten teacher training both for students and for in-practice teachers. In Singapore LifeLearn allows for communities of professional practice to come together online and recommend and support each other in acquiring new skills relevant to their field. In Cambodia, the best available university knowledge on midwife skills is brought to rural areas, helping reduce child and mother mortality.
Traditional craftsmanship skills. Blacksmith farriers in Finland have taken a digital leap, and taken their age-old master-apprenticeship model onto LifeLearn, where veteran train novices and share their decades of experience and insight. Skill portfolios and skill competitions allow new professionals to become proficient faster and also to show their competence to their peers and to their future customers.
Primary schools reaching out to society. Teachers and pupils in Finland are inviting parents, friends, and other relevant people to their skill paths, to involve them in the learning process and to contribute to it. LifeLearn allows a protected community to invite external visitors when needed, without a hassle with account and permission settings.
Teachers reinventing their practice. Teachers in Indonesia are building a new digital age curriculum on LifeLearn as a community process. Teacher trainers are travelling the country, but now all teachers they meet can join online communities to keep learning, asking, helping and getting helped.